Church Planting Probe in Savannah

Now comes the hard part: praying for workers for the harvest. Savannah needs church planters and church planting mission teams. Mission M Possible will be partnering with the Savannah association by mobilizing our network to help plant churches there. We have a week-long training and mobilization event there next summer (see for more more info) and can facilitate groups there anytime you are ready to serve. So can you help in Savannah? There is much you can do to help even if you are in another town or state. Send us comments and let us know if you are able and willing to be part of a church planting revolution in Savannah!
If you feel there is a need for a church planting probe in your area, let us know. We will help you contact your state convention or missions organization to locate the most recent data and determine church planting needs. Sometimes the best way to determine the need for new churches is to ask the locals. So what church planting needs do you see in your community?
Hi Roger.
It is really odd that I "stumbled" across your blog. I think we actually met when I was church-planting in Massachusetts (but that was a long time ago). Anyway, I found this blog through a comment your blog partner made on the SBC Outpost blog. When I saw your name here, it rang a bell as we have mutual friends, Dana and Demer Webb (we've become very close over the last two years here in Louisville and I know they'll be seeing you soon as they move).
Where it gets really odd is that I have been drawn to the Savannah area lately and even tried to assess the situation there through the local DOM, but found that road very unfruitful. I would love to hear more about the needs and possibilities in the area to see if there might be a place God has there for my family.
You can get my contact info from my blog if you would like to write to me.
For His Glory alone.
So great to meet you! Dana and Demer will be here visiting with us in a couple of weeks! We are excited to have such dear friends so close once again (especially since they vowed never to live in the South, ha, ha.)
I will email you today about Savannah. I am really looking forward to that conversation.
I have teased them a lot (especially Dana!) about moving to the South after she was so adamant about not living there.
I really look forward to communicating to you as well about Savannah. Don't know why, but we're really pulled that direction right now. I'm anxious to find God's plan for us.
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