Student Church Planting 101: Reading Assignment

So ... let's begin with the basics. Before you delve too deeply into the subject of Church Planting, it would be best to gain a better biblical understanding of missions in general. I think a great place to start is by reading The Acts 1:8 Challenge by Nate Adams. Though it is not written specifically for a youth audience, the book is very engaging and readable. High school students should have no trouble understanding the content of this book.
Obviously, The Acts 1:8 Challenge is a detailed look at Jesus' missions geography (Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, Ends of the Earth) in Acts 1:8. Adams effectively connects each geographical principle to our modern church context. He also includes a "Church-Planting Principles" section in each chapter, thus integrating Church Planting within the overall mandade that Jesus gave the church in Acts 1:8.
The Acts 1:8 Challenge is a great read ... and it's a great place to begin your studies in Student Church Planting. Read it, and let me know what you think. If you need a copy, you can get one for less than two bucks (used, of course) at!
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