Student Church Planters - Going International?

Our visit led us to this valley in the province of Huanuco. It is called Pachitea. There is a unique people group that lives here called the Pachitea Quechua. There are approximately 60,000 of them. As best we could tell, there were about 600 believers in the entire region.
They are an unreached people group. We are considering partnering with REAP North to become the "missionaries" to the Pachitea Quechua people.
As I walked through the villages of Pachitea, I realized how effective students (teens and college) from North America would be in helping reach people like these. The work is tough. There is much travel, walking, hiking, and even camping! But there are, literally, dozens of small settlements on those mountain tops where the Gospel has never, ever gone before.
How cool would it be to take some faithful Christian students from North America to those mountains and take the message of Jesus Christ for the very first time?
It can be done! It should be done! Pray for my church as we consider this partnership. Sometime in the next five years, we may be organizing a group of teen-agers through Mission M Possible to take the Gospel to this final frontier...
Labels: crossing cultures, international missions, unreached people groups
Hey Geoff,
What an amazing coincedence (as if there is such a thing) that you have just returned from Peru. I was a member of a nine man team that was in Lima back in December. Our church is also considering a long term commitment in Lima. WE had an amazing time sharing the gospel in a city of 9 million plus. It is my hope also to lead a team of collegians on mission in Peru hopely by summer (God willing). Who knows what God may be up to in Peru. Perhaps we could do a join trip some time in the future. We'll just wait and pray.
Paul From Jonesboro
That is cool!
Be sur eto check out my new personal blog at .
I just ran a search for info on the Panao Pachitea Quechua, and look where I ended up. Pretty cool!
Robin S.
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