PowerPlant in Gwinnett County, Georgia

So I am here in Georgia working with PowerPlant this week. In Gwinnett County. Actually at my house. I'm helping 90 teenagers plant churches in my neck of the woods. What could be better? Well, for teenagers, how about planting churches at the mall?
Gwinnett County is a retail mecca. We have Gwinnett Place Mall, Discover Mills Mall (with the newly opened Medieval Times Dinner Theatre), the humongous Mall of Georgia, and Stonecrest Mall. Oh, and the new Webb Ginn Mall and a host of other shoppes and stores.
One of the church planters we are working with this week is John Mann. John is a bivocational planter who works as the Assistant Manager of a large retail mall. We had a conversation tonight about reaching out to people working retail. I've never seen a book on the subject but it is a fascinating topic, and most of you are especially suited for this conversation since you spend more time at the mall than most people my age do.
Now think about this people group: they work swing shifts for low wages, one week on days, the next on nights. They have to work a lot of holidays and weekends. And they wear those cute little name tags. What kind of church could reach them? Where would you meet? How would you involve them in community? I'd be real interested in hearing thoughts on this subject, so send me a comment! And if you are in the Atlanta area, let us know if you would like to help here in Gwinnett.
See you at the mall (bring your bible),
Ah, the joys of having Bible study at Discover Mills. Seriously, those were some of my most favorite Bible study times. I think we should do Bible study at the Mall of Georgia, there's so many that we could talk to!! Anyway, I'll see you on Tuesday!
Great idea! Let's do it! I'm looking forward to your help here. After working in Ottawa, you will be ready to look at our area as a mission field.
See you soon.
I was talking to a girl here who is from Tifton, GA. She goes to seminary in New Orleans. We both mentioned how many times it takes us going to other places to begin seeing the needs right outside our backdoor. I'm leaving here encouraged and really excited about stuff going on there.
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